

My Sponsors

  • Nancy & Don Johnson, in loving memory of Tamara, Ashleigh, Sabrina & Shannon - December 2022 - November 2025

Flannigan was born in April of 2019 and arrived at the farm in June 2019. Flannigan came to the farm as a tiny kitten after he had been attacked by a dog. Unfortunately, the injury to his eye was too severe and his eye couldn’t be saved. However, having just one eye hasn’t slowed Flannigan down one bit. Flannigan is a very busy boy and has no time to snuggle. He is a constant play and purr machine. Absolutely nothing slows him down. He is full of character and full of energy.


To Sponsor Flannigan: Sponsorships are $100 for one year. Click the Sponsor Me button above and be sure to write in “Flannigan Sponsor” in the Comments section on the form. You can go to our Sponsor Page for more information.