My Sponsors
- Nancy & Don Johnson, in loving memory of Tamara, Ashleigh, Sabrina & Shannon - January 2019 - December 2025
Fry was born in 2015 and came here at just a few months old. We accepted Fry in our facility when a local animal shelter called us and said they had just tested an 6 week old cat who tested positive for feline leukemia. They didn’t want to euthanize him but couldn’t adopt him out so they asked us to take him in. The feline leukemia test is very unreliable especially in kittens of that age. We took him in knowing we would retest him again when he was older. Fry was never a sickly kitten and when we tested him again at 6 months the results confirmed our suspicion. He was negative. Fry has since tested negative again and is considered negative for both FeLv and FIV. Fry is highly adoptable. However, while here, Fry has made some very strong bonds with other cats in the room. So much so that he would prefer not to leave them. To Fry, this is the only home he has ever known. Fry is a friend to everyone of the cats sharing his room with him. He is a gift to the colony and has an important role. It is quite possible that he will decide never to leave here. Or, if so, it would be to a home where he could also bring a couple of his friends.