

My Sponsors

  • Cynthia Carr - December 2021 - November 2025

Willow is estimated to have been born in 2017 and came to the farm in 2019 after being transferred from another rescue. Willow had come into that rescue badly injured and pulled through. However, when she recovered, they realized that she was very shy and possibly was a feral cat. She was not a candidate for adoption and she needed a place where she could heal and take things in her own time. Willow likes to hide a lot and is most comfortable when she knows she has a secure place to hide away. However, she has gradually been coming out more and more. In fact, someone donated us a big cat exercise wheel and the only cat who has ever used it is Willow. She LOVES it. We catch her out there walking and running on the wheel and clearly having a great time.


To Sponsor Willow: Sponsorships are $100 for one year. Click the Sponsor Me button above and be sure to write in “Willow Sponsor” in the Comments section on the form. You can go to our Sponsor Page for more information.