My Sponsors
- In Memory of Ted Johnson Jr. - January 2019 - December 2024
- From Paul and Melissa, In Memory of Ted Johnson Jr. - December 2021 - November 2025
- Sumiyo Yamamoto - October 2023 - September 2025
- May Pittari - November 2022 - October 2025
Brandy is a grade mare estimated to have been born in 2001. Brandy came to the farm in 2017 after being rescued from an extreme neglect situation with three other horses. Unfortunately, Brandy’s health was greatly compromised by the neglect and, of the four horses, she was the one most adversely affected. Brandy has a heart condition where she suffers bouts of arrhythmia that make her very weak and tired. But Brandy still finds great joy in life and loves to gallop up her hillside pasture with her herd mates. Brandy quickly stole the hearts of our staff with her gentle personality and her spunk that periodically comes out and certainly helped her to survive her circumstances. Brandy is a horse who carries a lot of emotion. In the neglect situation she was in, she and the other horses, witnessed scores of animals starve to death. We can tell that this has weighed heavy on them, but most especially on Brandy. She cares deeply as we learn more and more each day. We are glad Brandy is safe with us now and will call this farm her home for the remainder of her life. Brandy seems just fine about that!
“I have stood out in the rain and tried to wash away deep sorrows that I have felt from others. I have also let the peace and joy of the sun fill my body so that I can share that with others as well. It is good to breathe in a place of safety and beauty. It is good to be able to rest and heal. And I hope to offer that to others as well.”