


My Sponsors

  • In Memory of Marianne Lines - December 2023 - November 2025
  • Debbie DeVona, In Memory of "Kane" Knapp - January 2024 - December 2025

Charlie is a Shetland pony cross gelding who was born around 2000. He came to the farm in 2011. He had been rescued by someone once from an auction, became a kids riding/show pony, and then unfortunately fell into a neglect situation. He foundered, and for many months went without having his feet trimmed, which caused his feet to become very badly overgrown. Charlie’s riding and driving days are done and he will now stay here being rehabilitated so that he can live the remainder of his life comfortably.

Charlie is a character and full of spunk. He is a joy to be around as his sense of humor shines through. He also can be a “naughty little pony” and be very stubborn at times. But he is always kind and gentle – and, of course, extremely cute – which gets him everywhere. Charlie is doing very well and now walks on feet that are normal. However, the damage done to his feet is permanent and so Charlie will live out his days here at the farm. His feet and diet will be closely monitored to minimize any laminitis episodes. And we are sure that Charlie will go on charming many hearts over the years to come.

“I used to think, when I was alone, that no one remembered me anymore. I was someone’s distant memory that they misplaced out in a field. I almost got to the point where it didn’t matter anymore what happened. But deep down inside, it did matter. I wanted to matter to someone again. When the trailer came to pick me up I had just about lost all hope. And then I wondered where I was off to now. What would be expected of me now? And what I found was unbelievable but good enough to be true. I found a home. Not just a temporary home, but a forever home. My heart can trust once again.”

To Sponsor Charlie: Sponsorships are $100 for one year. Click the Sponsor Me button above and be sure to write in “Charlie Sponsor” in the Comments section on the form. You can go to our Sponsor Page for more information.