My Sponsors
- Pat and Dan Nolan - January 2018 - December 2025
- Catherine Szenczy - June 2022 - July 2025
Coco is a male mini-donkey. Â He is estimated to have been born in 2014 and came to the farm in spring of 2018 after he and six other mini-donkeys were rescued from an extreme neglect situation. We have watched Coco heal from being totally shut down from trauma to now discovering his new life and expanding his reach. Coco is a very sensitive donkey and he really takes things deeply to heart. It has been an honor to watch him unfold and develop as he now feels safe.
“I haven’t been in this life for very long but I have seen enough to make me a little confused. I watched my friend die and no one seemed to care. It made me not want to care either. But now things seem to be changing and I am starting to be interested in caring again. Hearts were not meant to be broken. I think I’m going to find something better now.”