

My Sponsors

  • Heidi Blasetti - July 2020 - June 2025

Mabel arrived at our farm in January 2016. She is estimated to have been born in 1986, but we do not know her exact age. We knew the minute we saw Mabel that she was exactly the perfect friend for mini-donkey Mary Beth and we couldn’t have been more right. The two girls hit it off immediately and quickly bonded. Mabel is a wise old soul with the very special qualities of being a donkey. We are thrilled to have her join our herd and to add her voice to the donkey choir.

When Mabel arrived, it turned out that she was pregnant. She gave birth to Murfee several months later. However, due to her advanced age, she just was not able to raise Murfee and rejected him. We were able to help so that Mabel still nursed Murfee but we helped her do the tougher job of raising him by introducing him to his surrogate uncle Noah.

Mabel remains the matriarch of the donkeys and we are indeed the fortunate ones to have her wisdom grace our farm.

“I have been moved around a lot in my life. This time it feels like I found the place where I now will stay. I can see they need me here and it feels great to be needed. I love being a part of things and having a little extra care as well. My old bones are starting to creek a bit but I’m doing ok. I am thrilled to be here and to help the younger donkeys along as well. This is a great place for me to live and I am honored to be here.”

To Sponsor Mabel: Sponsorships are $100 for one year. Click the Sponsor Me button above and be sure to write in “Mabel Sponsor” in the Comments section on the form. You can go to our Sponsor Page for more information.