My Sponsors
- In Memory of Cynthia LaQuay Bush - January 2020 - December 2025
Eloise came to the farm in spring of 2018 from a horrific neglect situation. She was in bad shape and had been bullied by the other pigs. She came to our sanctuary to be by herself where she could decompress and heal. And Eloise did just that! Within a few weeks of her arrival, Eloise started to trust her caretakers. Soon, she began coming out of her pile of straw to receive her food. And it wasn’t long after that she began to let us touch her. Eloise, as it turns out, is quite a love.
But Eloise started putting on weight quickly and we began to get suspicious. Our suspicions were confirmed by the veterinarian when it was discovered that she was pregnant. In the summer of 2018, Eloise gave birth to 6 piglets – four females and two males. The males have since been neutered and all 7 of the pigs will live out their lives here with us in their newly renovated pig habitat – complete with field to graze in, a nice big stall to shelter in, and a creek to wallow in on summer days.
To Sponsor Eloise: Sponsorships are $100 for one year. Click the Sponsor Me button above and be sure to write in “Eloise Sponsor” in the Comments section on the form. You can go to our Sponsor Page for more information.