From Lorinda: “People sometimes mistakingly think that I have trouble getting around. That is a misperception just because I get around differently than most other cats. But for me, my normal is just fine. This is who I am. Life is actually very good for me. For a while in my life, I lived out on the streets. That was not much fun. I’m just not the type to have to fend off more senior cats to get my share of the food. I didn’t like that part of my life. But what I have found now is really a life that suits me well. I never take for granted a bowl of food or a loving touch. I love to share my gratitude and joy with others as well. Even the smallest act of kindness is cherished. I think the more kindness we can share, the more we all benefit. Let’s all focus on being kind today… and every day!”
Happy Thanksgiving!
May your day be filled with peace and gratitude!
Your December Newsletter is Here
Our December Newsletter is now available to view and download. We hope you enjoy!
Lecture: How Animal Communication Benefits Animal Sanctuaries
Dawn Hayman, co-founder of Spring Farm CARES will be joining Ellie Laks, founder of The Gentle Barn, for an interview about how animal communication benefits animal sanctuaries. It is a rare opportunity to have two animal communicators, who also founded animal sanctuaries, share their unique roles and perspectives that they have with the animals. All proceeds will be split between both organizations.
November 18th by Zoom. Your ticket includes Zoom replay if you can’t make it to the live class.
Welcome to Bunny and Mister!
Welcome Bunny and Mister! This week we welcomed two senior Standardbred horses to our sanctuary.
Bunny is 28 years old and Mister is 27 years old. Both were in urgent need of a place to live out their lives together. Bunny and Mister both had racing careers early in their lives. Bunny even was used for breeding. But Bunny foundered badly and Mister broke both front pasterns and required surgery that made it possible to live out to pasture but never to be driven or ridden again.
Both ended up living together for the past 20 years on a small farm with large pasture for them. The plan was for them to live out their days there. These two are very bonded. But life turned upside down for them when, sadly, their owner passed away, their farm had to be sold, and there was no place for them to go as they reached the final turn and headed into the home stretch of their lives.
Bunny has significant problems and pain with her feet and is thoroughly enjoying soft bedding and the comfort of a stall to lie down and get the weight off of her feet. Mister is right next to her watching over her and enjoying all the pampering and visits from our doting care team. They have already been thoroughly vetted, and have had special farrier care for their feet and other treatments to help keep them comfortable.
We are honored to do our best to make their final days happy and comfortable ones and to give them whatever care they need.
Once again, you have helped save two souls who were at the end of their options and in need of immediate care. Because of you, we were able to give them the safe place they urgently needed.