Memorial to Angelo

In Memory of Angelo – 2003 – 2024

Today we lost a most amazing cat. Angelo was a giant among us. To know Angelo was to love him. And boy was he loved – by his caretakers, volunteers, visitors, and most especially by his fellow cat residents. Angelo was pure love. There was a light that radiated from him. And we reaped the benefits of his most amazing heart for nearly 12 years. Angelo was currently our oldest cat resident at the age of 21.

I will never forget the day that Angelo arrived in 2012. We received a call from someone in a trailer park that there were a colony of abandoned cats living there and one of those cats had a “horrible birth defect with a leg growing out of his back.” They even emailed us pictures where indeed we could see something looking like a leg sticking out of his back. Whatever the situation, it was clear he needed help. We agreed to take him if they could trap him. Angelo must have understood that help was available and he walked right in the trap that first night. We thought he was going to be feral but it turned out he was actually friendly. And the growth on his back ended up being a massive mat of hair. As we started to shave him and unwind this massive mat, it turned out there were actually two of them that had wound around one another. As we got them separated, it looked like he had angel wings growing out of his back. And thus, we named him Angelo.

Angelo became the gentle leader of his cat room. Over these past 12 years, he helped every one of his cat companions adapt to their new lives here in our sanctuary. Frequently, we’d see him in the center of a huge bed with 6 or more cats snuggled around him. This was a daily scene. Over the past few years, Angelo held a space and said good-bye for each one of those cat friends as they passed into spirit. Angelo outlived them all. Although he had many new friends sharing his room and enjoying his friendship, we all know that there was a heck of a reunion when Angelo went home and joined his colony of friends waiting for him in spirit.

Every caretaker here past and present most likely has their favorite Angelo story and photos. Many called him Big Ang over the years. And many cats benefited from his gentle heart and steadfast ways of leadership. He was a rock of peace. He continued to be that rock through all of the 14 months of cat room renovations that we just went through. Always reassuring his cat friends that everything was going to be just fine. He was sure of that because he had been here a long time and he trusted the process even when some of the other cats felt insecure. Angelo always saw them through the tough spots.

Today, we came in to find that our dear friend had passed away peacefully during the night. Whatever happened was quick and at the age of 21 years, his body was tired and he had eked out every last ounce of time that he could. While we are sad for our loss, we are honored to have given him a home, and grateful for every second we got to spend with him. What an amazing soul!

Angelo, dear friend, you will never be forgotten and we will miss you. It is hard to remember a day you were not here and we know your energy will carry us all well into the future. Rest easy with your friends. We are sure they are all rejoicing to have you back with them. You truly are an angel.





A Special Opportunity to Support Spring Farm CARES

A Special Opportunity to Support Spring Farm CARES

We are excited to share that on September 20, Spring Farm CARES will be participating in the third annual Mohawk Valley Gives, a 24-hour community-wide giving day to benefit nonprofit organizations serving the Mohawk Valley.

During last year’s giving day, the community came together and raised more than $2.4 million benefiting over 250 local organizations. We can’t wait to be a part of this exciting event this year!

We will have the opportunity to promote our mission, raise funds to support our animals and be placed in the running for several bonus prizes!

We’re also excited to announce that thanks to a generous donor, all donations from September 1 – 30th will be matched up to the first $25,000; so participating in this event will double your impact!

Ways You Can Help:

  • Become an SFC Ambassador! Host your own personal fundraising campaign that you can share with friends & family. Just follow the link below and click the Fundraise Button.

    Create Your Fundraising Campaign Here

  • Get ready to give! On September 20th, visit and make a donation to Spring Farm CARES to help us reach our goal! All giving will end at 11:59PM on September 22, so make sure to get your gift in on time.
  • Spread the word! Make sure to share about our Mohawk Valley Gives campaign with friends, family, neighbors and coworkers online and in person. Keep an eye out on our Spring Farm CARES Facebook page for posts that you can share; it helps us reach more supporters!
Make sure to come visit us during our open house on September 14 for a chance to meet some of the animals that you will be impacting with your donation! We will also be accepting offline (cash or check) donations during this event.

See you in September!

Memorial To Xander

Memorial to Xander – August 6, 2024

Another amazing soul has left our embrace. Today we said good-bye to our dear donkey Xander.  Xander was 37 years old and basically died from old age. He enjoyed a good life. In fact, Xander was one of the exceptions in our herd where we can say he lived his entire life loved and cherished.

Xander came to the sanctuary just 2 years ago when he was the last of his little herd of donkey friends and his humans were needing to move from their farm into the village where Xander could not accompany them. Although it was very difficult for his human family to move without him, they also knew he was safe here with us and they still could visit him here. At the time he came, he was already wearing the signs of a long life. He was arthritic and had issues with his feet that made things sometimes challenging for him. Because of the problems in his joints he was more delicate and couldn’t go out to pasture with the other donkeys. But he was always with them when they were inside and he enjoyed the companionship of his new herd of friends here.

Xander was a staff, volunteer, and visitor favorite. He was as gentle as could be. He had a heart of gold. And he had a glimmer in his big soulful eyes that just beckoned people to come over to see him. He was great with adults and little people as well. He was noble and wise and that energy just oozed out of every fiber of his being. You couldn’t pass by Xander without giving him a scratch on his huge ears or wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a hug. He loved it as much as we did.

He was also the time keeper of the farm. Like clockwork you could hear is loud and very unique bray announcing feeding times and staff arrival times. He put his whole body into every bray. It was comical to watch him. Xander radiated a joy that was so indicative of the life he lived. He loved every minute of his life and soaked it all up.

Xander would want to thank so many people in his life for all the love and care he received. The list would be long, and you know who you are. And I know that right now you join all of his family here in feeling sadness at his departure but pure joy in having known him. He touched so many hearts.

We would like to thank a few people here who really helped make his final two years more comfortable and possible for him. First a big thank you to all his caretakers who loved him dearly and miss him greatly now. A special thank you to his farrier Lauren Waite who adored Xander and who so many times went out of his way to get here in times when Xander was struggling with foot pain to offer Xander relief when he needed it most. Also thanks to Dr. Rachel Fraser for all her help and advice over the past two years. And to Dr. Christine, our staff veterinarian who oversaw his daily care, and who helped him find peace, comfort, and dignity in the end. Thank you.

Xander would have loved to stay longer but his body simply gave out. He was tired. That good kind of tired when you get to the end of a day and know deep down that you did the best you could do and it was a good day.

Rest well old man. Your wisdom will live on in our hearts. And we swear that your bray will always echo through the farm for all of time. You had a great run. A life well done. Rest easy.

Mark Your Calendar For Our September Open House

Come Visit Our Animals & See What’s New

Spring Farm CARES Open House
Saturday, September 14
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
3364 State Route 12, Clinton, NY 13323

You’re invited to a very special Spring Farm CARES Open House!
Join us in celebrating our newly renovated small animal facility with live music, food, tours and meet & greets with our animal residents.
We have been undergoing major renovations since June 2023 that included a complete remodel of all 13 of our cat rooms and their enclosed porches as well as a new roof, new floors, new walls, whole new porches, new bathrooms, a new heating/cooling system, new lighting, and some structural fixes that had to be made to a 30-year-old pole barn structure.

Throughout this process, the priority has been to cause the least amount of stress to the animals who call Kigercat Hall their home. To do these renovations, all of the cats needed to be removed from their rooms for several weeks. We completed the job in phases involving four rooms at a time and had large temporary cat rooms built in the middle of the hall, so cats had a nice place to live while their home was getting renovated. The cats enjoyed the novelty and variety of their temporary digs but were even more excited when they could return to their beautiful, brand-new homes.

The renovations are officially complete as of July, which marks an exciting new chapter for us here at Spring Farm. It is incredible to have our hall back to its usual glory and to see our cats blossom in their wonderful new homes. And with all the construction complete and the temporary cat rooms gone, we can better accommodate more visitors and tours.

We’ve also had other new developments in the works, such as the creation of a new volunteer program, and we will have lots of exciting information to share with you at the open house about how you can get more involved and be a part of our mission here at Spring Farm CARES.

See you on September 14!