Found Cat: Is This Your Cat?

Do you know this cat? Male, brown tiger tabby. Found West Utica, Schuyler St. area.

This cat was found huddled on a porch chair desperately trying to get warm. He is not microchipped. Very friendly.

If this is your cat or for more information –

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Winter Wonderland

For those of us in our local area, I know you are probably tired of shoveling, plowing, sanding….. repeat. But sometimes we just need to step back and look at the beauty and magic as well.
Just finished tucking all the equines in for the night and left with the sound of contented munching filling the barn as I closed the doors. There is something so satisfying about the camaraderie they all feel as a herd together knowing they are safe and warm in the barn, even as the snow storm trudges on.
Be safe out there everyone!