Animal Message of the Day: Cumin

From Cumin:  “I bet there are people looking at this and saying, ‘what could a guinea pig have to say?’ And that’s ok if you thought that. But don’t you at least agree that I am cute? There is so much in life to be grateful for. I love the taste of so many different foods that I am offered. I am grateful for warmth and friendship. I am grateful to know the force of kindness and the softness of love. I am so grateful to be a guinea pig. I love everything about it. I love biting into a cherry tomato and tasting the juice in my mouth. And I love doing little guinea pig sprints for joy. Sometimes it is good just to run for the fun of it. It also makes people laugh and I love to hear the sound of people laughing. You all should do that more often. It makes you much more human! I’m just grateful to be alive. I hope you are too.”

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Below is a video of Cumin with Dawn reading his message –