From Mabel: “I am delighted to answer this question each year, so thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am grateful for so many things. I wasn’t always that way. I used to be fairly withdrawn within myself. But all of that changed when I found some amazing donkey friends to be with. I love them all. We lost two very special donkeys here this year. I would like to dedicate my message to them. I will tell you what I was most grateful for in them. Xander was elderly like I am. He had a very large heart and soft wisdom. He brought a lot of peace to my life. I was so glad to know him. I can still feel him around us. He had a way of making the world feel alright. And, Noah, was the other cherished friend. When I first met Noah I was determined not to like him. I thought he was just another young upstart trying to prove his way in life. But, oh, was I ever wrong. Noah was an old soul in a young body. He left us way too soon. Noah held a big space in our herd. He understood and radiated a great peace. He was very special. I hope one day I will see my two friends again. They taught an old heart how to be soft again. I will always be grateful for that.”
Below is a video of Mabel with Dawn reading her message: