From Mary: “Oh my goodness, the list of things I’m grateful for is very long. First of all, I must tell you that I love being a sheep. It is the greatest thrill of all. I am grateful to stand outside in the sun and soak in all the warmth. I am absolutely infatuated with plants and trees. I am grateful for all they bring to the planet. There are so many different kinds of grasses and plants that I love to eat. And one of the most amazing things in the world that I am grateful for are peppermints. Now, to be clear, they do not grow on trees or bushes. I depend upon the kindness of humans to bring me some of those. And I am most grateful when they do! I love my sheep friends and my human friends too. I try to live my life one breath at a time. No use fretting over things. Whatever is happening will change in the next breath anyway. That is what life is about. I ride through life like the butterfly surfs the currents in the sky. Every single thing in life is worthy of gratitude.”
Below is a video of Mary with Dawn reading her message: