Animal Message of the Day: Olivia

From Olivia: “I have always felt that it is important to focus on what you have in life rather than bemoaning what you might be missing. When I was fairly young in life, I lost a back leg. It was no fault of my own.  I was lucky to find help and survive. I could have spent all my life focusing on the fact that I was missing a leg. But what good would that have done? It would have only taken away from my life an kept me from living the great life I do have. When I had four legs, I didn’t have all the things I have now. In fact, I can tell you that I am much better off now than I would have been had my path not been altered. So, keep your eye focused ahead on where you want to go rather than fretting on something you may have missed. You may have missed it for a very good reason. Please consider this. I think it could help you on your path.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Murfee

From Murfee: “Oh my goodness, PLEASE bring some levity in here. You’ve gotta have fun. I’m telling you what. I live with a lot of older animals. And don’t take me wrong, they are very wise and wonderful – even my mother. But sometimes things get over the top way too serious. Please don’t give up on humor. Every day there is an opportunity to kick up your heels and laugh (or bray if you are a donkey) and just feel free. We must not forget to have fun. We often see humans who are lost inside their own heads. Trust me, once they get to me, I try to take care of that. The ones who make us laugh the most are the people who are so serious that they do not even understand when I’m trying to be funny and make them laugh. But I never give up. Even the frowniest of people will smile eventually. You just have to keep at them. So, when you know someone is stuck inside themselves, just remind them about joy. The easiest way to do that is to set your heart free to dance and skip and sing … even if it is silently inside yourself. Your inner joy will radiate out to them and before they even know what hit them, you will find them smiling. Try it. And then you can thank me for giving you my secret.”



In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Minnie

From Minnie: “You probably don’t expect much for a sheep to say. And that is a good thing because actually I am not a sheep with a lot to say. But if I stopped at that, I wouldn’t be doing this exercise right. I never pondered much about what I enjoy most in life. It’s not that I take it for granted, because I don’t. But I’m just not much of a deep thinker. Sometimes, thinking is overrated because I see this in humans who think they are very intelligent but they turn that thinking into worry. Worry just digs you into a hole in the ground. Being is much better. Just simply being. I like to be me. I like being a sheep. I like my sheep friend Daisy. I like feeling the sun. I like feeling safe. And, by simply being, I appreciate every second of it. Don’t overthink. It is a most unbecoming human trait.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Belle

From Belle: “It doesn’t matter how long it takes you in life to learn what you’ve come here to learn and to be who you’ve come here to be. Life is not a race. It is not about comparing yourself to others. One could look at my life and think that I was just hanging out and doing nothing. But, in reality, I was learning a ton about who I am and why I’m here. I was blessed to have a place who simply gave me a space and said, “Ok, go be you.” Many would view me as undesirable because I wouldn’t cooperate with what their intention was for me. Some would label me as stubborn or opinionated. None of those would be totally accurate, although I can be a little stubborn occasionally. You see, I have seen a lot. I came into this life with great pain that you don’t know about. And what I most needed was a place to heal. A space to live connected to the earth and other horses. A home where nothing was expected but everything was accepted. I am an old lady now. I have learned tons. I have healed in miles. I am content. And now, I can set my goals to interacting more with the humans around me. Because for the first time, I am ready.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Woodward

From Woodward: “I am grateful for time. It looked like I was once out of time, but I was granted the gift of more time. There are many things I’m not sure of in my life. I am still trying to figure things out. But I am grateful to not be pushed into someone else’s time frame. I just need time to figure out what I want and who I am. That may take some time. If people were to push me on this, then I would end up trying to be who they want me to be and not who I really am. So, I am very grateful for the gift of time to discover what it is I’m here for. I hope you give yourself the gift of time too.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: “What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Miss Piggy

From Miss Piggy: “My favorite thing in the world is a sunny day. I just love bathing in the sun. I’m not too keen on rain but I just have to be patient on the rainy days. No matter how long the rain goes on, I have to keep understanding that the sun is always still right there. But first we have to wade through rain drops. Actually, it helps me appreciate the sun even more. I am not always appreciated or understood by the other pigs I live with, but you know what? I really don’t care all that much. I just like living life my way. I am the only girl in a group of 5 pigs. All you girls out there understand exactly what I mean. It is my chosen fate to learn tolerance. Life is huge. And there are opportunities in every single moment. We just have to learn to wait out the rainy days and savor the sunny ones. And we need to be the sun on the days all we see is rain.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Mary Beth

From Mary Beth: “I don’t like it when people look at me and feel sorry for me. My goodness! Life is beautiful. I just see life from a different angle than you. It’s not worse or better. It just is what is normal for me. You need to look at what you do when something seems different to you. People tend to like things in tidy, neat, and cute little packages. I see this all the time. People assume I must have an awful life or be in pain. Neither is true. I am delightfully happy! Just because I am different, doesn’t make me unhappy. In fact, if you would stop worrying about fitting in with everyone else around you, I think you’d be a lot happier too! Try looking at yourselves and others upside down. It will give you a whole different view and a whole new vantage point. Trust me. Stop striving to be like everyone else and just be you. No one else can be you. You are the only one. So what are you waiting for?”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Trinity

From Trinity: “I have to tell you about life from my perspective. Sometimes it’s hard when everything you believe in gets shattered into a million pieces. Just at the moment you realize everything you’ve lost, it is easy to want to give up and give in to despair. Everyone has some kind of moment in their life that makes you question all that you know and believe. For me, that moment came when my home that I thought was totally secure, suddenly was taken from me. Late one night, when normally all would be peaceful, I was taken from my home by someone I trusted and I was left in the dark on a farm in the middle of someplace I had no clue where I was. Suddenly, I was homeless, lost, and ill. I lost all hope. In my despair, I followed my way to a building that felt friendly. I was so tired. I climbed up on a shelf where there was something sort of soft and I curled up and went to sleep. I didn’t know what else to do. It was a hopeless sleep, not a peaceful one. But in my darkest moment, someone found me. They picked me up and brought me inside and got me help. Today, I once again have back all I believed was there. Sometimes we cannot see what we believe in. We become blinded by despair. But, seeing is not believing. Sometimes you have to trust the sun is there even during the dark of night. Don’t give up. Just rest. And the rest will happen.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Libby

From Libby: “There is nothing better in life than the gift of friendship. I live with several other donkey friends and we are all family. We all went through some very hard times together. Some of our friends didn’t make it through. But the seven of us did and we all ended up here together. We are all very grateful that we got to stay together. We are a group and we are all here on a mission. Each one of us is different. We are all here for different reasons. We all think differently. We all see the world a little differently. Yet we are all donkeys. But you have to look deeper than our physical bodies. We don’t look at all of you and say, ‘oh, it’s a human.’ We don’t assume that you are all just alike. Each of us in this world is here to offer something unique. So, step forward and show us what you’re here for! The world is waiting to hear your voice, see through your eyes, and to know what you know. We’re all ears.”


In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Kernel

From Kernel: “Sometimes I get afraid of things. Usually it is because I don’t understand my own strength inside. I have always been one to find safety in hiding from things. But that is not always the best way to do things. I’m a simple kind of guy. That doesn’t make me stupid. But it doesn’t make me easy either. I get lost in my own thoughts and fears sometimes. I see my human friends struggle with that sometimes too. It’s easy to do. There is no easy trail inside our brains. It’s not always well lit. And sometimes there are unexpected pitfalls and unlevel land and scary things along the way. Our imaginations can get the best of us sometimes. Worry can take us down roads that go nowhere, only to find out that we have to find our way back to the right path. I know because I’ve been there. Some of the scariest things I find in life are in my own thoughts and not what is physically in front of me. I bet that is true for you too. We need to help one another then. We need to all stay calm and focused. I think we’d be well served by that.”



In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Meredith

From Meredith: “Sometimes, the simplest things in life can bring us the greatest pleasure. Chasing a shadow on the floor. Playing with a piece of paper. Snuggling up and purring with a friend. Watching a bird out the window. Listening to the rain on the roof. Watching a bee on a flower. Learning to pretend to sleep if humans talk about cutting your toenails. I love to rest with my friends on a lazy day. I love to listen to the birds singing outside. There are so many little things that are huge treasures. But it is up to us to find them and hold onto them, even if for a fleeting moment. Even the smallest of pleasures can hold the largest of spaces in our hearts.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”


Animal Message of the Day: Ginny

From Ginny: “I have known so many different aspects of my life. From a race horse to a horse who pulled a buggy and then to a horse who had a foot injury and was not sure I’d ever have a pain-free day again. I’ve known failure. I’ve known defeat. I’ve felt let down, down trodden, and hopeless. But, you know what is most amazing? Every one of those things changed me and my understanding about life. And every one of those situations was an opportunity. And, even more importantly, each one of those things changed. Nothing stayed permanent. Some of those things were tough. Some were terrifying. But each of them was a step to get me to where I am today. My life is amazing actually. I found a place to help my foot and after lots of rehab and work, I am pain-free. I get to run fast as I can but not on a track, but in a pasture with my friends. I don’t have to pull anything anymore, except when I pull my carrot trick or I pester my friend Nell by pulling a fast one on her sometimes. My path didn’t look like it would take me to where I am today. But it did. So, if you find yourself feeling lost, just keep walking. Don’t give up. Things will change. They always do.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Felix

From Felix: “I’ve been hearing that people are bored. Now that is a silly thing. If you are feeling bored, then I think you are stuck inside your head too long. Time to get up and stretch through your heart and let your mind just step to the side. Go outside. Take a walk. Sit in the sun. If you live near where I do, there has not been much sun lately. And I understand being cooped up and wanting to get out. Winters sometimes get long for us here too. But, when that happens to me I do something different. I think about what good things I have. Gratitude and appreciation are really good healing energies. So, if you are feeling bored and need something to do, here is an idea. Start making a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. Include every little thing. Like smart donkeys for example. Yes, please remember donkeys. Think of your dogs and cats. Maybe you have a cute little rodent you like. Oops, I guess they are not rodents to you but you know what I mean, those loveable little critters you have in your homes. I don’t get that but whatever pleases you is all that matters. Just plant your seeds of gratitude and appreciation and watch how fast they grow. You’ll be amazed.”


In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Happy Sheep Dance

Ok, we all need a good uplifting moment on this dreary day. (At least its dreary here in Central New York State) How can you not laugh watching our sheep, Mary, prancing around today. Come on, I dare you not to smile.


Animal Message of the Day: Fozzie

From Fozzy:  “I love being outside on starry nights. I love the peace and stillness. I also love to lay in the sun and feel the warmth seep through my body. And there is nothing quite as wonderful as rolling in the mud after a good rain. Usually, every day I can find something that is my favorite thing to do. I think it’s good to end a day by thinking about what was the best thing for the day. I am grateful for my friends except when one of them snores too loud at night. And I am grateful for the human friends who care for us. They have good hearts. They bring good food. But most importantly, they are kind. I like those kinds of hearts the best. And now, if you excuse me, it is time for me to go eat, which will be my favorite thing right now to do.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Cami

From Cami:  “Once upon a time, I had a friend who was a little girl. I’m sure she’s not so little anymore. She didn’t belong to me, nor I to her, but we were not strangers either. She belonged to the family next door to where I lived at the time. I was just a youngster, not even full grown, and still with my mother. On summer days, the girl would come to visit at the fence. Her blond hair blowing in the wind like mine did too. She giggled a lot, most especially when she saw me coming. I loved to visit her. She’d pick yellow flowers and put them in her hair. She even tried to put them in mine. But I ate them. That made her giggle all the more. When I close my eyes, I can still see her blond hair and I can still hear her giggle. I have never forgotten her friendship. I hope she remembers mine. These are the moments that seem almost superficial at the time, taken for granted. But I can tell you that the memory of that young girl has gotten me through some very dark times. It’s important to treasure your memories.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Merlin

From Merlin: “Life is like eating a grape. If you squeeze too hard, it pops and all the good juice runs out before you can savor it all. But if you take your time and peel back the layers, you can enjoy eating the pulp and the juice and savor each part of it as you go. Young people try to squeeze everything they can as quickly as possible and miss half of the good stuff because they discard it as waste. But as we mature, we understand that there is more to life that we were not seeing or understanding. We learn to breathe more deeply and move a little more consciously so as to observe more of what we are experiencing. And in that moment, we understand that we were missing so much before. It’s never too late to savor each moment. It’s never too late to appreciate all that you find. That is the beauty of growing older.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Lizzie

From Lizzie: “One of the greatest sounds in the world to me is the sound of my fellow friends munching grass or hay. There is a comfort in the rhythm of the moment. We are all fellow travelers. It has given me pain to feel the sting of people walking by and not noticing us. Sometimes horses are not understood for what we truly bring. We are not just a thing to place your saddle upon and go out for a ride. There is more to us than that. In fact, some of you hardly know us at all.  You don’t think about our thoughts or emotions or where we are in our lives. You just come and expect us to be there for you when you need us. We are very happy to be there with you. But we also care about what you’re thinking and feeling and doing with your lives. Not just when you’re on top of us, but also when you are miles away. Sometimes you even feel miles away when you are standing right beside us. We feel for you. We are here with you. And we love it most when you are understanding us as well.”


In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Cornelius

From Cornelius:  “I have always felt that humans needed to slow down, speak more softly, and listen more often. When you move too quickly and are always chatting and not listening, then you are only partially engaged in your life. Many of you pound your way through life. But if you listen closely to your own heart, you could learn something. Your heart beats and pauses and beats and pauses. The pause is as important as the beat. When you are pounding your way through life, you are missing the pause, and you will only live half the life you were meant to. How do I know this? Because I’ve been studying the human heart and way of being for a long time. Animals understand you better than you understand yourselves.”



In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Jacob

From Jacob (sheep): “I haven’t been here for long and I may not be the most talkative or wise of animals. But I do understand that we all need one another and we shouldn’t judge each other.  Sometimes people hold you too tight not because they want to trap you but because they are hanging on to the only thing that they have left. I think we need to remember to be kind to them. Someone kept me like that once, not because they were mean to me, but because it was the only way they could hold on to me, and the only peace they knew. No one should be judged poorly for doing the best they can. I understood that and I don’t judge that. Everyone needs to be cared for, whether you are a sheep or a human, we all have a right to be loved and treated kindly. And let’s not judge others whom we don’t understand what is happening with them.  Maybe they are doing the best that they can and maybe they need help instead of criticism.”

In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Sunrise Sonata Over the Farm

Sunrise Sonata on the Farm (Speakers on)

I have noticed a few things over the past few weeks since so many of us have been in shut down. At first, I kept telling myself that it was my imagination. But then several people have been asking me, “Dawn, have you noticed that the birds are singing so much louder this year?” Yes, indeed, I have been noticing the same thing.

Nature is rejoicing in the fact that humans have slowed down and many of us are suddenly listening in a different way. Some, in fact, for the first time. For those of you who have taken my workshops here at the farm, you will recognize this from when we did the exercises on “being present” and how the animals responded. When humans suddenly quiet within themselves, nature rejoices. When humans start listening with their hearts and become present in a moment, animals and all of nature responds.

Some of you may be experiencing this in new ways for yourself. Colors may suddenly seem brighter. The birds seem louder. Stars are brighter. And for many of these things it is because in just this brief time of slow down mode, the environment is healthier. There is less air pollution. There is less noise. There is less commotion. And humans are starting to notice that something is different.

I shot this video first thing this morning as the sun was rising over the farm and the animals were beginning to stir as the human caretakers began to arrive. Eventually, we need to “un-pause” and return to operating again. But, could we all take a collective breath, look at what is around us, and fully realize the difference we can make just by altering our behavior. The Earth is taking a breath and is inviting us to listen to her heartbeat. If you go outside, breathe from your heart and allow yourself to feel present in the moment, you will feel that heartbeat. Savor that. We need to remember this moment and take it in. The Earth needs us to do this.



Animal Message of the Day: Brandy

From Brandy:  “It is an honor to be a horse and to live among my other horse friends. I don’t think people fully realize the sensitivity and the connection that horses have to the planet as a whole. We feel things deeply. We can feel the beat of the earth through our feet. We understand a lot. Horses have been quietly connecting humans to the Earth for centuries. You have seen us in various lights. You have utilized us in various ways. And many of us have been misunderstood and misused by humans as well. But, we always stay true to loving you for the beautiful creatures that you are. This is your time now to understand your own sensitivity and love and compassion. You come fully equipped with a heart that is magnificent. Horses have always understood that, even when you have not. It’s time to let your hearts be free. You are compassionate and loving creatures by your very nature. Anything other than that has been poor training. It’s time to be free. All of us horses are waiting for you to finally see the truth of who you are and why you are so beautiful. But only you can set yourselves free. We are waiting. We are here.”


In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Cumin

From Cumin: “Now don’t you even dare go thinking what could a Guinea Pig have to offer! I’m a fairly deep thinker you know. Guinea pigs are frequently overlooked. We are pure joy in a little furry body. But we are not just for anyone either. I appreciate many things in life. I don’t get to see a whole heck of a lot as in traveling around much. But I see with my heart. I am here for the pure joy of being alive. My world is filled with richness of sights and sounds and tastes. Taste is particularly joyful. My very nature is built for bringing joy. As a guinea pig I am built for spinning and twirling and jumping for joy. I am also exemplary at squealing with delight. And I think deep soulful thoughts. Yes, indeed, I am wiser than most even realize. And I share that wisdom with those who truly understand me. Be sure to explore life. That is what you are here for. Humans need to be more inquisitive I think.”


In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”

Animal Message of the Day: Honeybun

From Honeybun: “I am a cat. Now, I know you saw my picture and realized that of course. However, not everyone understands or appreciates what being a cat really means. I have lots to offer. I chose wisely to be in a cat form. What I love most about being a cat is the ability to interact with humans. You see, I love people. I love sharing with people and making them feel better. People carry a lot of heavy energy. It is my job to help them with that. It’s sort of like exercising. I have to keep working and working at some people just to get them to laugh. So here is my offering to you today. To everyone who hears this message, do me a favor. Find one thing today to make you laugh. It can be something simple. If you have a cat, it might be easy. Cats are always resourceful at finding something funny to do. Dogs can be funny too in their dog kind of way. But cats of course are smarter. It just is so. And, if you don’t have a cat, I’ll leave you with one last thought. Why not? Cats need more people to need them. That’s why we are here.”


In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”