From Shawnee: “I have been touched by the wisdom of many elders before me. I have been so fortunate to learn so much. I think it’s important to store the wisdom of those who have lived before us and to then add our own findings in life to theirs. We can’t start out to do things our way without looking and building on foundations that are there for us to build on. It’s important to look at life through the eyes of others to improve your own vision of where you are in life. Besides that, I love and appreciate carrots and apples and grazing out on grass on a nice sunny day. Life has so much to offer. Don’t overlook it.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Misty Mew: “Life is simply wonderful. I know you humans are all struggling right now. But don’t give up. Stick with this. Any mess I’ve ever been in ends at some point. It is hard to see that at the time, but life will move you through and out the other side. We have not had any visitors since spring and I am the head greeter cat. So I have been unemployed and out of work most of the year. Now, it should be said that I have a lot of work to do just keeping track of the humans that are here taking care of us. They have a big job and I like to be able to say that I am extremely helpful to them. But sometimes it is my job to call them aside and have a little chat when they start taking things way too seriously. And these days, I’m doing a lot of chatting if you know what I mean. Listen, it’s not as bad as it seems. It really isn’t. Look outside. The sun is still coming up each day. Birds are flying. Seasons are changing. Every snowflake is still quite unique to itself. Rain is still rain. Seeds are being shed and planted and life is preparing to start all over again the next season. And I am still here. Please don’t give up. That would be the worst thing you could do. The world needs what you came here to give. So pick yourselves up and keep on moving so that you can give us all what your brought to the table. We need you!”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Ginny: “I am inspired by trees. Big trees come from the same size seeds and flowers. Yet they come to be bigger and stronger. They grow into their unique identity. We all start as seeds but we grow to be the unique beings that each one of us is. And we all offer something unique and special in this world. I see people trying to blend in and act and be like one another. Why do you do that? No two of you are alike. I think you should aspire to be yourself rather than to be like anyone else. You are like no one else. So stop worrying and just be you. A rose is a beautiful thing. But if the rose sees a maple tree and only wishes she could be a maple tree, she will never understand the beauty of what her seed turned out to be. Just be you. And that will inspire me to just be me. Like the trees.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Cumin: “Hey there! Take it from someone little, who doesn’t get around much, but understands more about the world then you know, there is so much to be grateful for in this world! What would a guinea pig know, you ask? Well don’t let my little body fool you. I see more in this world than you realize. I read a lot. No, not books. Of course guinea pigs cannot read books. But, we certainly can read a lot about humans, directly from the source. You humans throw a lot of energy around willy nilly at times. You have wonderful hearts, but you walk around a little scattered. You need to root yourself better to the earth. You probably need to eat more vegetables than you do. And when is the last time you truly savored a good piece of apple? When you live in a very tiny body like mine, everything looks large around you. But you need to see the true essence of things so that you can understand them better and not fear them. Use your hearts more. You have such beautiful hearts. I appreciate you, even if I haven’t met you personally. I appreciate everyone. Try to find something you can appreciate about each person you meet. It will change your life. And that is a guinea pig promise.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Mabel: “I am grateful for being old. Yes, you heard that right. I am blessed to be elderly. The alternative would be that I wouldn’t be in this body right now. Bodies are not meant to stay young. Youth is not to be envied or looked back upon with desires to go backward. I know if you are young you are thinking that I am wrong. But I can tell you that with the weathering of time there comes a wisdom and quiet calm that finds you. No matter how old I am, I take inspiration from the trees and the stones who are much older than I am and still have their gift of wisdom intact. No, I wouldn’t want to be young again. For I have learned so much more now than I could have ever dreamed about. I am not looking towards an ending. I’m looking toward a journey that will continue long after this body is alive. I am not this body. And it took me many years of life to understand this and breathe from a place of quiet wisdom. I am appreciative for every day of my life. Not all were easy. Not all were filled with joy. But all of them are mine and nothing will ever take that away. And that my friends, fills me with joy. I shall keep on with this journey with deep gratitude. I hope you will do so too.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Evelyn: “I am grateful to know the heart of a family. My mom tells us all the time how lucky we are to be here now. She knows all sorts of sad stories of other pigs she knew that didn’t make it to safety. She lived through some dark times of having no food and no shelter and suffering. We know there are lots of animals and humans out there now that are not in a safe place. So our mom asked us to be aware of how lucky we are to live our lives in this sanctuary where she gave birth to us. I think sometimes we drive her nuts but she still seems to tolerate us being here. But please don’t feel sorry for her either. Because she still is the boss and we all know that too. I am grateful when we all snuggle up together in a big line. We help each other and love to be close to one another. And we love when our human friends come in to snuggle with us too. Life is really good. And we will take all of that and send it out to those who are not feeling so good today. We hope that 7 little pigs can somehow brighten your day with our desire to fill you with happiness and warmth. Hope you get it.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Kernel: “Every gesture of kindness is like a drop of rain. For those who are like a desert and are starving for kindness, it will take many drops before their thirst is quenched. It will take them even longer to trust that the drops will continue to be there when they need them. Kindness grows a lushness of growth in the heart and soul. It lights up the darkness in a simple and clear way. Kindness doesn’t take much to give. It is the one gift we all have available to share. Yet it is the one thing that without its presence, we will wither and die, just like the earth with no rain. Why would you not share your kindness? It is so easy. I came from a place void of kindness and it was like I couldn’t even breathe. And it was kindness that healed that pain and started me to heal once again. Spread your kindness far and wide. It will take so little of your time. But it can be the chance of a lifetime for someone in need.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Mary: “Someone told me once that if you can’t quite reach something you are trying to get, then it is best to move to another position and find something else. Like when there is a great patch of clover but it is just over the fence out of reach. It does no good to stand there stretching and reaching for something impossible to get to. But if you just move ahead and keep on looking, there will be another patch of clover out there just for you. I know that sounds simple. But most of my life things were just out of reach until I moved along to another place and found plenty of what I am looking for. My flock may not look like sheep, because they are not sheep. But if I cast them away because they were not just like me, I wouldn’t have the wonderful goat friends that I do. Happiness came in a different form. Companionship looked different than I thought. Thank goodness I stopped long enough to see the truth. Life gives you great gifts. Sometimes it just doesn’t look how you thought it would. Don’t give up. Just keep moving.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Jose´: “There is nothing in this world more beautiful than love and friendship. You can have all the food in the world and still be starving if you don’t find a way to nourish your heart and soul. I have known lean times, both of food and of love, and I have nearly withered away. All it takes is for one heart to reach out to another in a moment of need. Just one. And that moment can change a life forever. And that life can change a world forever. We have great gifts to offer one another. We need only share them. Have you reached out to someone today? It can be a simple smile or a shared laugh or a hug or gentle touch. It is the moment that touches the soul and it can make all the difference to a world aching to be loved. I love being nourished and I am grateful for the opportunity to nourish others.
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Mr. Kitty: “One should never underestimate the power of the purr. Purring is pure love and gratitude. It is a sound cats make that is meant to be shared and not stored inside. Each cat has their own unique purr. It is our signature and special gift for those we choose to share it with. When we purr, it allows you to synch up your energy with us. If you did that, you’d find it to be very soothing and healing. As humans, you may not have purrs to share, but you still have magnificent energy to share with others. If you could learn to settle down a bit more, you’d find it. We cats are trying to help you. Come sit with us. Or if you are very fortunate to have your own cat available or someone you know can lend you some time with their cat, then you’d truly be rich. Because time spent with a good purr can take a load of stress off of your body. I am blessed to be a cat.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Finnegan: “There is nothing more joyful than understanding when you have found your home in life. Home is not just a place to live but it is the place where you know the deepest part of yourself is safe to rest. It can be that home is found in the hearts of others who hold you safely. It can be as simple as a good sturdy fence or boundary. It can be an embrace. But in any case, it is that feeling when you know your very soul can breathe and let down it’s guard and rest. I have been lucky to find home. I am learning to let go of old hurts. And I am replacing doubt and fear with trust and reassurance. I suspect it will be a long process. But I have the space to do it in that is my home. If you find yourself weary and not finding your home, trust me on this, don’t give up. Just allow yourself the freedom to move where your heart desires. You will find it. It is true. But you need to believe. Believe it and you will see it.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Marty: “Life is like a song and each of us carries our own piece of the music. I love to feel my own song inside myself and then push it out there for others to hear it too. I’ve noticed that humans don’t take the time to stop and appreciate each other’s songs. I don’t know that you even stop to listen to the beauty in those around you. I’ve seen this many times. As soon as you perceive someone as different or their song doesn’t match your own, you stop listening. Think about what you are missing. It would be like only listening to one song every day for your whole life. How awfully boring and dismissive of all the other talent is that! No two beings have the same inner song. Each of us is unique. Just because someone’s song doesn’t sound like yours, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take time to appreciate it. I may be just a bird to most of you. But my song is mighty and my love for everyone’s music is great.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Leo: “I have a love for the mystical things in nature. Have you ever watched a dragonfly? I mean really watched them? They glow with colors that illuminate them like a little beam of light. I love watching them hover near me in the pasture. They are so delicate yet so strong. They are sure of flight and don’t have any need for a specific flight plan. They just fly where life takes them. One minute they are here and the next they are gone. I don’t know how they do that, but I think it may be a bit of magic. I find the same joy in butterflies. My donkey body can be a bit clunky and heavy, but they just fly as if they are filled only with light, and I think that they are. Magic and wonder is all around us. And the more you embrace that, the more magic you will see. I think that is the secret to life. Don’t overlook the small things. Sometimes it is the small things that hold the greatest answers to your deepest questions in life. At least that is how it is for me. I’m just one little donkey (but don’t let my size fool you!), but I can live a big life by observing all the little things and taking it all in. So can you.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Marsha: “People see me as being blind, but actually they are not seeing me but are only seeing the lack of function in my eyes. My world is far from dark. I see things in a different way. Maybe even in ways that those of you with sight never get to see. I see energy and I see the way things feel. I receive that with my whole body. I feel waves of energy of how each human enters my room without even having to try. You all carry a lot of information in your energy field. You carry a lot of other things too that I don’t understand why you waste your time carrying them. Even though you may be sighted, you don’t see these things that I can see. I am not a cat with special needs as you see it. But I am a cat with special gifts. No one need feel sorry for me. I see more than you can ever know. Sometimes you need to close your eyes and feel through your hearts more. You will find that you will understand a lot of things more easily – about yourselves and those around you.”
Each day through December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Lizzie: “I take such comfort in the warmth of the sun. I love slow days that are soothing to the soul. I am healing. I didn’t even know that I needed to, but I did, and I am. I can see that now that things are looking brighter. I had let a sadness kind of permeate my space for a long time and I didn’t even realize that I was slowly shutting down my light. But I am finding that light again now. It is coming through like the rays of sun through the branches of a shade tree. And it is warming my heart and filling me with hope once again. If you find yourself in the shadows, don’t let those shadows overtake you. It is easy to have happen. Sometimes it is easy to feel forgotten or unseen. Those are difficult times. Feeling alone is hard. But the truth is that you are not alone. But no one can tell you that in a way you will believe it until you find that truth for yourself. And find it you can. Sunlight can start coming in through the shadows. And it will warm you in a way that reminds you that if you step out of the shade, you will find the sun once again. And you will remember that the sun had never gone away in the first place. It was still always right there. And you will begin to feel warmth again. And you will begin to heal. Once you start to heal, you will once again feel the joy of standing in the sun on a quiet day. And you will find your heart resting after a long hard fight to come out of the darkness you had found yourself in. You will prevail. I am resting in that truth now and I just wanted to extend myself to those who are still trying to get themselves out of the darkness. Don’t give up. There is greatness waiting for you. Keep on walking. That’s all you need to do. One step at a time. Hoofbeats, footsteps, pawprints … it matters not what shape or size the foot. We all walk the same path. Let’s reach out to one another to make it easier.”
Each day from November 26 – December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Flora: “I may seem like a plain white goat. I used to think that too. Just a goat with nothing to offer. I had no purpose. I had run out of hope. I just kind of survived each day with my other goat friends. But as I grew old, I outlived all of my other goat friends. It was in the space and the silence that was left behind that I found something different. I discovered I was more than just a simple plain goat. I found out I have lots of different colors in me as well. As I found new friends, I found faith again. And I found out that I had a lot to offer and a lot to learn in this life. I am now the matriarch of two adorable and oftentimes whimsical little goats as well as my new sheep companion. It has offered me a chance to look at my life differently. I now have purpose. I have something to teach them and share with them. They look to me for guidance. And I look to them to lead me to a whole other way to live this life with purpose. I am forever grateful. Out of a lot of loss came a treasure I’d never expected to find.”
Each day from November 26 – December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Noah: “There is so much in life to be grateful for but sometimes difficult times can cloud our minds from knowing the truth that is in our hearts. Our hearts know the truth of love and gratitude and kindness. Anger, bitterness, hatred, and judgement are not natural to the heart at all but are often layered over the heart so that the heart cannot see what it knows to be true. During those times, we need to tend to our hearts and to the hearts of those around us to heal those wounds so that the heart can be free once again. This is what my friends and I do here. People and other animals come in with very burdened hearts sometimes. But we know that kindness and love is a source of healing unlike any other. Your hearts yearn to be bathed in love. That is what the heart knows. Given the gifts of gratitude, love, acceptance, and peace, the heart can heal even the darkest of clouds. I have seen this over and over again myself. Be kind to your heart. And then let your heart lead in being kind to others. You will change your world ….. in a heartbeat.”
Each day from November 26 – December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Pizazz: “I’ll tell you what I appreciate is when someone takes the time to get to know me before they label me and judge me as something I’m not. I’m frequently misunderstood. I’m different. Not difficult. Just different. The only thing about me that is difficult is that people don’t try to understand me. Feeling understood is a great gift. If you have someone around you that seems grumpy or edgy, maybe they just are not being understood or seen for who they are. That is enough to make me grumpy. We all are different. Yet we are all connected if we take the time to be grateful for one another and embrace our differences. There are no two of us alike. Trying to make others like yourself is a waste of your energy. You need to just be yourself and let others be themselves too. That would help a lot in this world.”
Each day from November 26 – December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Nell: “I love to feel the wind on my face on a nice day. I love to feel the sun on my back. But none of that would be as meaningful without my friends beside me. I have come from great pain and upheaval and even lost an eye. But I am grateful for the one eye I still have and to have the gift of friends who keep me secure. To never be alone again is a blessing I will cherish forever. One day I thought my life was over but I discovered instead that it was just beginning. Don’t give in to despair over endings. Endings are just doorways and where one thing ends another begins. There isn’t even a gap. It is just a step in awareness. Look past your endings to your new beginnings and embrace the gifts that await you there. And hug and cherish your friends. May your heart know the comfort of love and may you be warmed by sunshine and a soft breeze on your way.”
Each day from November 26 – December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
From Clark: “Oh my goodness! Let me tell you how fun it is to be a goat. I mean, seriously, it is an absolute blast. I love my goat body. I’m little and cute and people like to hear me make my cute little goat sounds. It always makes them laugh. So when I see my human friends coming, I call out loudly and they are almost certain to greet me with a big smile. I like that. Goats can smile too. Did you know that? I’m inspired by sharing a moment of joy with my goat friends and my human friends. It makes the warmth of the sun fill up every cell in my body. And I store that love there and cherish it.”
Each day from November 26 – December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
Each day from November 26 – December 31, as has been our annual tradition now for many years, we will share with you a message from one of the animals of Spring Farm CARES. We hope this will provide you with a bit of inspiration for your day.
But first, Dawn’s dog Jessie just had to say a few words to start.
From Jessie: “We animals know that you humans are going through a rough stretch here. As a dog, I wish I could help to lighten you up a bit. It’s easy to smell worry in the air everywhere. Please don’t lose hope. I am fortunate to be Dawn’s dog. I told her she had to say that. She has been working really extra hard to get some messages from the animals at Spring Farm CARES again this year. I am very thankful to get to introduce both my mom and the animals of the farm. Together, they will join in this project to try to give you some inspiration. We animals give her the messages and she puts words to them for you. We hope you can come visit sometime. We know you can’t right now, so we will come to you as best we can. Please check in each day to get a dose of inspiration.”
This memorial is difficult to write because there is so much to say. Today, we said good-bye to the last of our SFC dogs, Mack. Mack was a giant of a spirit. He was estimated to be at least 15 years old and he was with us for the past 12 years. Border Collies are dogs with special missions in life and Mack was no exception. So, if this memorial gets long, it is because his story is worthy of telling, and his life and the hearts he touched are immeasurable.
Mack was a complex dog. There was nothing easy or simple about him or his care. Yet, it is nearly a miracle that he lived and thrived with us for the past 12 years, given the complexity of his medical/health issues. And to be able to say that Mack literally died as a result of aging is an awesome accomplishment, on his part and on ours.
Mack did not live the normal life of a border collie. He was brought to our good friends at Glen Highland Farm Border Collie Rescue after he had been found running lost in the Adirondacks. Locals there said he had been seen for at least 6 months, but no one could catch him. Yet, the day he saw a car pull over near to where he was running, Mack understood intuitively that his ride was here to get him. A volunteer for the rescue was driving by and saw him and thought he looked lost. And after 6 months of running away from everyone, he decided to run to them. But Mack had great injuries from his life in the wilderness. Most likely hit by a car at one point, he had been rendered unable to use his back legs by the looks of the scars on his feet where he had been dragging them behind him for some time. But the fact was that he had a spinal fracture just at the base of his tail, and although he had use of his legs when found, he was totally bowel and bladder incontinent.
Mack was not a prospect for adoption. So, he came to live here at Spring Farm CARES. Thus embarked a 12 year career in teaching and touching hearts. Mack was strong willed. He was a true border collie in every way. He ran the show. In fact, to this day, our entire farm operation was based on Mack’s schedule. When the tractors could be driven, or the goats turned out, or when and where people were free to walk around where it wouldn’t interfere with Mack’s schedule. The whole farm ran on Mack time. Today, it is hitting all of us, just how much that was true.
Mack alerted us to every visitor. Some saw him as an annoying barking dog. Those people never saw Mack for who he was. And then, there were those, who truly understood this magnificent being with all of his interesting games in life. Mack’s mind never stopped. Because of his incontinence, he lived in a kennel that was set up in the main hall where he could have privacy yet be a part of everything. Because he insisted on being a part of it all. And he was. He had a beautiful dog yard where he could run free and play ball and frisbee and do all of the normal active things a young athletic border collie liked to do. From his yard, he could herd the tractor as it went by. He liked to herd the ducks out on walks. He was the man in charge.
And then, there were the people. HIS people. While many humans found Mack to be extremely difficult – and make no mistake he could be – there was a method to Mack’s entire being that took us a while to understand. But we finally did and we learned to move with Mack’s direction. In other words, he herded all of us too. You see, Mack picked his caretakers himself. There have been many animal caretakers here in the past 12 years. But only a select few became “Mack Walkers.” These were the people who Mack himself chose. It didn’t matter how much dog experience or lack of dog experience you had. We quickly learned that unless he was the one who chose them, he would not let anyone handle him or walk him. The Mack Walkers are like an exclusive club. And while they were all helping care for Mack, he was the one who actually was looking over them. Because Mack chose people not based on their work experience but based upon what he thought he could give to each of them. And while they took care of him, he was taking care of them.
There is no way we could list all of the Mack Walkers over the past 12 years and not be afraid we’d miss someone’s name. But many of you still follow us on the website and social media and are reading this now – you know who you are. On behalf of Mack, we thank each of you for all you gave to him. And we hope you treasure the gifts he left with each of you.
The silence in our big hall is deafening this morning. No border collie barking to let us know he’s there. He wasn’t there for his morning walk around with Bonnie as she did the early morning chores as they did together for 12 years. He wasn’t there to greet the staff as they arrived. But there is not a single one of us who couldn’t still feel him today in our hearts. His reach was massive. His mission was huge. His life was so well lived. Many looked at Mack and felt sorry for him that he lived in a kennel. But, none of us ever referred to that pen as a kennel. It was always called “Mack’s House.” And that is what it was. It was his safe place. His home. And his base of operations for all the work that he did. His happiness and contentment were palpable.
We knew he was failing these past few weeks. At 15, it was getting harder for him to get up and harder for him to walk. We all knew the time was coming to set him free. And all of us agonized over that pending day. This dog was so well loved. Deeply. Completely. Whole heartedly. And it was that love that helped guide us to listen to him one last time. Because it was clear that morning that Mack was tired. He was spent. He had eeked every ounce out of that body that he could have. But now, he needed to stand down and take a well-deserved rest. Mission accomplished. Job amazingly well done. What an amazing run. What an amazing spirit.
None of us wanted to say good-bye, but we all knew it was time. The light suddenly dimmed in his eyes. And it was our turn now to help him.
That’ll do Mack. That’ll do.
And with that, Mack ran free. Our hearts are breaking yet they are also filled with love and great memories. One border collie on a mission helped us to find our mission again too. And for that, we owe him a huge debt of gratitude.
We would like to give thanks to the three current Mack Walkers who we know have very heavy hearts right now. Thank you, Stephanie, Jordan, and Kellie. And to all of the current animal caretakers who were also touched by Mack and who loved him equally as much.
And from the Directors, Bonnie, Dawn, Margot, and Peggy….. thank you Mack. Thank you for all of it. And you know what we mean.
Today we feel the shock of an enormous and unexpected loss, leaving us with the reminder of how fragile life can be, how precious each moment is, and why we are here. James Bond, lovingly known as JB, came to us in June of this year. We didn’t have him with us for long, but he instantly became a piece of all of our hearts and the soul of this farm. JB was a gentle giant. A 24-year-old Saddlebred gelding who was dearly loved his whole life and who simply came to retire with us and spend the rest of his days here. He did just that but we expected him to be with us for at least 10 years. JB lived with one person for 22 years and he was very grateful for his time with her. We only got to share the last 3 months of his life but we are all the richer for knowing him.
JB had a heart of gold. He was incredibly sweet and gentle and loving. He was kind to humans as well as fellow horses. He had just bonded with his new herd with Kernel and Cammie and was in the process of welcoming a new addition who just arrived in the past two days. He was dignified and graceful. He was careful and thoughtful of where his body was at all times. He fit in here instantly. There isn’t a person here who wasn’t smitten by his loving nature and gentle soul. He leaves behind what feels like a big hole right now, but in reality, he gave us all an incredible gift. For as much as it hurts to say good-bye, we are all the richer for having the opportunity to love him.
Today, JB spent a beautiful day out in his pasture with his two buddies. You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. Sunny and cool and few flies to contend with. He grazed contentedly and thoroughly enjoyed his day. When we went to bring him in, he suddenly just laid down. But he got up again and was led back to his stall. But when he got in, he collapsed. Our veterinarian was only 10 minutes away. But it appears a valve in his heart may have ruptured or some other coronary event happened. He left us just a few short minutes later, leaving us all stunned.
Tonight, the horses in the barn are very somber. They hold his memory in their hearts. A huge part of their herd has departed. All of them held sacred space for him.
Life can seem so chaotic and challenging. Please take a moment, in honor of a heart who loved beyond the greatest capacity, to be thankful for the loved ones in your life. Let’s not forget what matters most to each of us. Let’s not forget to be kind when we can show kindness, to show love when we can, and to hold a space in this world for change and hope. That is what JB did. And now we must continue on as he would have hoped we would.