Kernel is estimated to have been born in 2010 and came to the farm in 2017 from an animal cruelty case. Kernel came in with three other horses from extremely poor conditions. While he has healed from his physical neglect, Kernel still struggles with confidence issues in life. However, he has made huge strides forward. For his first few years with us, he was kept together with a mare named Cami who came with him from his previous place. The two of them are very bonded. Then two years ago, another gelding named Finnegan arrived at the farm. He is a very easy going and affectionate guy and we thought he might fit in the pasture with Cami and Kernel for turnout. It was an instant friendship between the two geldings. Every day when they go out, the Finnegan and Kernel stop to groom one another. Their friendship has really helped Kernel to settle down even more and be more confident.