Memorial to Angelo

In Memory of Angelo – 2003 – 2024

Today we lost a most amazing cat. Angelo was a giant among us. To know Angelo was to love him. And boy was he loved – by his caretakers, volunteers, visitors, and most especially by his fellow cat residents. Angelo was pure love. There was a light that radiated from him. And we reaped the benefits of his most amazing heart for nearly 12 years. Angelo was currently our oldest cat resident at the age of 21.

I will never forget the day that Angelo arrived in 2012. We received a call from someone in a trailer park that there were a colony of abandoned cats living there and one of those cats had a “horrible birth defect with a leg growing out of his back.” They even emailed us pictures where indeed we could see something looking like a leg sticking out of his back. Whatever the situation, it was clear he needed help. We agreed to take him if they could trap him. Angelo must have understood that help was available and he walked right in the trap that first night. We thought he was going to be feral but it turned out he was actually friendly. And the growth on his back ended up being a massive mat of hair. As we started to shave him and unwind this massive mat, it turned out there were actually two of them that had wound around one another. As we got them separated, it looked like he had angel wings growing out of his back. And thus, we named him Angelo.

Angelo became the gentle leader of his cat room. Over these past 12 years, he helped every one of his cat companions adapt to their new lives here in our sanctuary. Frequently, we’d see him in the center of a huge bed with 6 or more cats snuggled around him. This was a daily scene. Over the past few years, Angelo held a space and said good-bye for each one of those cat friends as they passed into spirit. Angelo outlived them all. Although he had many new friends sharing his room and enjoying his friendship, we all know that there was a heck of a reunion when Angelo went home and joined his colony of friends waiting for him in spirit.

Every caretaker here past and present most likely has their favorite Angelo story and photos. Many called him Big Ang over the years. And many cats benefited from his gentle heart and steadfast ways of leadership. He was a rock of peace. He continued to be that rock through all of the 14 months of cat room renovations that we just went through. Always reassuring his cat friends that everything was going to be just fine. He was sure of that because he had been here a long time and he trusted the process even when some of the other cats felt insecure. Angelo always saw them through the tough spots.

Today, we came in to find that our dear friend had passed away peacefully during the night. Whatever happened was quick and at the age of 21 years, his body was tired and he had eked out every last ounce of time that he could. While we are sad for our loss, we are honored to have given him a home, and grateful for every second we got to spend with him. What an amazing soul!

Angelo, dear friend, you will never be forgotten and we will miss you. It is hard to remember a day you were not here and we know your energy will carry us all well into the future. Rest easy with your friends. We are sure they are all rejoicing to have you back with them. You truly are an angel.