Remote Learning with Dawn Hayman

Introduction to Animal Communication

From February 22, 2025 

All humans have a natural ability to communicate telepathically with the natural world; we have just gotten disconnected from our inherent intuitive abilities. Reestablishing this way of communicating can help us understand and connect deeper with animals, nature and other humans. In this lecture, Dawn covers the basic principles of telepathy and animal communication, and shares stories from her 30 years experience as an Animal Communicator.

Watch the recorded version of this lecture below:


Life After Death – What happens to those we love? And how does life go on for us?

From August 21, 2021 

In this excerpt from Dawn’s Embracing Spirit Workshop, Dawn will discuss her experience since childhood with helping beings (both human and animal) cross into Spirit. She will also share what they, from Spirit, most want us to know.




Watch the recorded version of this lecture below:


Understanding Animals and our Relationships with Them – A Question and Answer Session with Dawn Hayman 

From August 5, 2021 

In this one-hour session, Dawn will answer questions you may have about animals and our relationship with them. We will start with 3 common questions that Dawn is asked and then you can submit your questions to Dawn as well. Please do not ask specific questions about specific animals as Dawn will not be able to do consultations but will answer these from a broader perspective.

Dawn will explore questions such as: Do animals dream? Do adult animals remember their children, and if so, why don’t they act like they do? Why does my animal keep staring at me?

Watch the recorded version of this lecture below

How Animals View Death and Knowing When It’s Time to Let Them Go

From July 24, 2021 

All of us who love animals and welcome them into our hearts and lives dread the day we need to say good-bye. Dawn has helped people for over 30 years to answer that question, “Is it time yet?” In this class, Dawn will share from both her personal experience as well has her professional experience with talking to more than 50,000 animals as to what their understanding and viewpoint is of death. While death brings up enormous emotions for us, this 1 hour will be very uplifting and enlightening as you hear from the animals themselves that their experience of death is not about an ending but instead is about a continuation of our heart connections with them.  Come let your heart be lifted as we share this together.

Watch the recorded version of this lecture below


The Emotional World of Animals

 From July 8, 2021 – 7pm ET

How many times have you thought, “if only they could talk”, when you are trying to figure out what your animals are trying to tell you? Indeed, you do get communications from your animals all of the time. But what you are also trying to understand from and about them is what it is that they are feeling. Do animals have the same feelings as humans? Do they process things the same way? Do they suffer with emotional hardships as humans do? How emotionally intelligent are animals?

Dawn will explore the world of emotions among our animal friends based on over 30 years experience as an animal communicator and co-founder of Spring Farm CARES animal sanctuary. Some of the answers may surprise you and for some of you it will validate what you already thought and understood. Let’s explore the world of emotions.

Watch the recorded version of this lecture below