Purrfect Readers

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Are you a kid who really likes to read but is shy about reading out loud? Or maybe you are simply trying to become a better reader? Or maybe you really love to read out loud and need just the right friend to read to? We have the purrfect solution! Come on over to Spring Farm CARES and read to one or more of our cats. Our cats love to be read to and will help you to become even better readers. Share a book with some cats who are waiting to listen. You can bring your own or we have some books here as well.

Purrfect Pals

Are you an adult looking for a special new friend? Or maybe just a place to come and sit in some peace and share with a few cats who really understand you? We may just have the purrfect pal for you. You can bring a book to read or simply bring yourself. The cats are waiting for a lap to sit on and a purr to share with you.

Spring Farm CARES is open daily from 10AM-4PM. We have children and adult chairs available to take in the cat rooms, as well as blankets, for those who wish to sit on the floor. We have some children’s books available as well as some coloring books, sketch pads, crayons, coloring pencils and markers for those who would like to share some art time with the cats. Children must be accompanied by adults. Our staff will first show you around so that you are comfortable as to which rooms you are drawn to go into. Come let a cat friend choose you!

For more information, call (315) 737-9399 or email us today!

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